Rethinking smoke of deceit


New member
There have been a few posts here requesting a smoke of deceit-like item, but I'd like to make a case for a couple of changes to the way such an item would work as opposed to a more or less straight port from dota.

1. I dislike the idea of a teamwide smoke item. For a teamwide smoke ability, I'd prefer something like an objective or structure like as suggested in this thread. I'll elaborate on my reasoning down below.

2. I do like the idea of a limited smoke item -- I'd suggest something that's around 3K souls and has a long cooldown (3 minutes?), and allows the caster to target a single allied hero to smoke both the caster and the target. Additionally, upon smoke break, I'd suggest that the enemy that broke the smoke to be pinged on the map, since there's so much more verticality in deadlock than in dota and it may not be immediately apparent where the break happened from.

I think deadlock has encouraged a lot more solo/duo roaming as compared to dota, and that's a part of the game that I like a lot. This kind of 2 person smoke would encourage that kind of playstyle. Additionally, if smoke worked as a teamwide item, then imagine buying 6 on a team and using them over and over again, it could get oppressive.

I think my suggested smoke also more elegantly balances things by not needing to introduce consumables, or team item limits like some of the other threads have suggested. A common complaint my friends have about dota is that there are a lot of small, annoying edge cases with regards to some items having limits, some being buyable only after X minute, etc. So the longer we can go in deadlock's development to avoid that, the better imo.

What do others think? Am I off base here?
I think my biggest question is honestly do we even need a smoke in the first place regardless of how it works.

Games like Dota2 and LoL heavily utilize fog of war in large part due to how the camera and map works. I.E. you can see any part of the map at any time but can only see whats happening if there is no fog of war.

With deadlock you have a 3rd person camera and the terrain, especially tall buildings, work to block your sight-line and there isn't a feature to look at any point in the map at any time. This combined with how quickly you can rotate from lane to lane makes it difficult for enemies to see a gank coming already, especially if you gank from the rooftops or something.

Rather than a smoke of deceit item I think it makes more sense to look into movement items like majestic leap as ganking tools. It would be interesting to see how items like that could work with multiple people (something like Ivy's ult). Not saying a cloaking item couldn't work but its not as interesting as a new movement technique in my opinion and has less impact due to how vision works in this game compared to other mobas.
Totally! I'd love to see some outside-the-box thinking when it comes to item design/ganking tools. I guess my real request with this post is "please don't provide smoke as-is from dota". I'm more than happy to see differing approaches to fulfilling the same item niches between the games
Yeah, and I totally agree, trying to port over dota items without adjusting for deadlocks unique game flow and features will only lead to the item being underwhelming or overpowered in most cases. I'm excited to see how ganking evolves and ends up functioning in Deadlock as more items are added and people figure the game out.