Respawn timer activities


New member
I can't get my family members to play Deadlock, but I so want them to enjoy the game! I've tried with HotS, DotA, and LoL before and they just can't get into at all. The most annoying thing for them seems to be the death timer and my explanations of awesome turnarounds and the necessity for death timers in order to win a losing game or lose a winning game still don't appeal to them. Pffft, I know!

But there were some potentially good solutions flung around in this household, here's some of them:

1. Be able to lay traps around the map while you're waiting to respawn (the traps could only be laid where you have map visibility through troops or friendly heroes)
2. You could buy explosives with souls that you can send little drones to attach to crates/urns while you're dead, so if the enemy opens them, they'll get slowed/stunned/damaged
3. You could take over a minion and start using it - either you stay in group or fight with them or you can venture around the map to collect urns/crates/help your team with your little buddy

Doesn't sound OP, but might turn the "meh, MOBA" crowd into "fine, I'll try it again" crowd?