Rescue Beam Zipline Softlock


New member
This happened near the end of a game I recently played, ID 33370534. I was playing Kelvin and happened to use Rescue beam on my Warden at the same time they tried to grab the zipline. (Timestamp at 44:15). Warden got stuck in the grabbed zipline state, and became unable to use their abilities or shoot. They could still move around, and I don't think they could use stamina. Warden did not grab the zipline before I cast the beam.
This happened near the end of a game I recently played, ID 33370534. I was playing Kelvin and happened to use Rescue beam on my Warden at the same time they tried to grab the zipline. (Timestamp at 44:15). Warden got stuck in the grabbed zipline state, and became unable to use their abilities or shoot. They could still move around, and I don't think they could use stamina. Warden did not grab the zipline before I cast the beam.
you can fix by pressing jump as if you were in a zipline.