Rescue Beam + Ground Strike Causing Busy Bug For Entirety of Game


In Match 108822 at 23:38, I (Lash) experienced a bug where my hero was marked as "busy" and was unable to perform actions for the rest of the game. This issue was not resolved by unsticking, suicide, disconnect, etc.
This bug began when I used Ground Strike and the Paradox used Rescue Beam on me.

This behavior may have also happened in replay 100499 to a Lash as well. This information was from @cillo.
I looked at this replay and the bug happens at 34:44.

In both of these demos, Lash attempts to Ground Strike while Rescue Beamed and then is unable to perform actions for the rest of the game.
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Can confirm this is still happening, had it happen when Kelvin cast Rescue Beam on me somewhere around the 15-20 minute mark (can't get a timestamp, replay unavailable for some reason). Match ID: 300783
I was the kelvin nooooooo we really wouldve won that game if you werent bugged too

I'm gonna be more mindful with rescue beam now cause I've experienced bugs with it's pull mechanics on other characters too