Request for Unified Item and Hero Names Across All Languages

New member
Hi devs,

First of all, thank you for all your hard work in creating this fantastic game! I really appreciate the effort that goes into making it enjoyable for players worldwide.

However, I wanted to share some feedback regarding the localization of hero and item names. As a native Ukrainian speaker, I was excited to see that the game is available in my language, but unfortunately, I found myself switching back to English after some time. The reason is that the names of heroes and items have been translated, which creates some inconveniences.

Most guides, community discussions, and resources are in English, and the translated names can make it difficult to follow them, especially when trying to understand strategies or tips. Games like Dota 2 handle this well by keeping hero and item names consistent across all languages, which helps the global community to stay on the same page while allowing players to enjoy the game in their native language.

Would it be possible to implement a similar approach, where hero and item names remain the same in all languages, while everything else is translated? I believe this would greatly enhance the experience for many players like me, who want to enjoy the game in our native language but still have access to a unified, global understanding of key terms.

Thank you for considering this feedback, and keep up the great work!

Best regards,