reporting system is borked please revamp it.


New member
why are people punished for "wrong reporting" and prevented from playing ranked for that? can you be more specific on what correct reporting is. right now everthing except option to report cheaters are vague at best.

1. keep few days timer to let us review replay to know for certain if opponent is cheating or maybe just good. (or even better let viewers of game/ or replay) have an option to mark the time of said cheat and report it there. more flags u get u can have like a overwatch system to mark it and let someone manually review it and vac ban.

2. what exactly is matchmaking report? why are we getting punished for reporting bad players (or players who u think dont belong in your bracket or feeding a lot) and why are people getting prevented to play ranked games for this?

3.add smurf report? there are games where one guy has like double ur team networth stomping everyone. now where do we report this? matching making ? coz i got instant punished for just doing this. or do we report this as griefing? popular streamers are smurfing openly and i never saw them get punished once. their reasoning is " we cant get ranked games fast enough" maybe have an automatic system to detect smurf somehow?

4. griefing vs matching making report? sometimes it could be bad matchup or frustration but people just have like 0 8 0 scored in 10 mins heck i had one teammate with 0 11 0 in 20 mins. can we check the replay and then report?

please be specific in patchnotes or report section on what is "correct reporting" if you plan to punish people for "wrong" reporting. or have a warning system to tell that we are reporting too much.

best implementation i saw was in dota 2 way back where we had limited number of reports per week. if we use it wisely on badactors we got more to report tokens as reward or you are out of report tokens which u slowly accumulate over time.
People who report players because they think they are bad deserve to be punished.
A new game is the perfect opportunity for Valve to punish toxic behavior at the root.
When we see guys getting angry at a new player who is starting out it's already stupid but when you think about it, plus we're on a simple playstest it becomes a real madness