Rella The Riveter / Construction Gal


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Rella The Riveter

Rella the Riveter, a rivet-girl with a zombie/ghoul aesthetic. Exposed skin shows pale or sunken skin, kinda like Undying's color palette from dota 2, but with Rosie the Riveter outfit to fit with the era theme. I think overalls with a shirt goes better than the full coverall outfit.
On Rella's back is a big red metal old-fashioned dome lunchbox that clatters and clangs as she runs, being her unique footstep.
Rella's power fantasy is building her as a high risk high reward assassin with her alt fire for close range bursting.

Weapon: 'Rivet Gun'
Fires heavy shots like Warden weapon, but has a big magazine. The really unique thing about this weapon is an alt fire that sounds like an air impact wrench and expends remaining magazine but only at light melee range. It could also just be a blowtorch on right click to fit the era/theme.

1 Moldy Lunchbox, 15 second cooldown, 2 charges, Spirit Power Scaling
Rella always brings her trusty lunchbox to work!
(Slowing totem) Rella throws her lunchbox a short distance from her and immediately starts causing an AOE around the lunchbox, visible with greenish/blueish hands coming up from the ground around the area, and grabbing/touching units that pass through.
As soon as the lunchbox lands, enemy units caught inside of the AOE are unable to see units outside of the AOE but can see the lunchbox and can break it similar to a McGinnis turret, but the slow gradually increases if it stays alive (maybe the same rate as Kelvin's slow).
Units outside of the lunchbox cannot see the lunchbox, and it takes 1.25x as many hits to break it from outside.
Upgrades: Enemies caught in AOE lose 1 stamina every 6 seconds (1 stam on impact) / Large increase to slowing effect / Rella gains stacking resist and regen while she is in the AOE

2 Girder, 20 second cooldown, Weapon Damage scaling
There's no shortage of building materials in ol' New York New York!
(minimum 0.5 second channel time to pull Girder, hold for max 5 seconds)
Rella pulls a girder out of the ground with press, and release throws the girder, charging up it's speed over time.
At it's lowest speed, it flies 1.5x as fast as pocket's cloak. At max speed, it flies a bit faster than a bebop hook, with a similar hitbox to Grey Talon's charged shot.
Upgrades: Girder impact damage scales significantly more with charge / Girder impact stuns for 1s and AOE is significantly larger (Geist bomb) / Rella can ride the girder after throwing, silver surfer style, or like a cat hugging a tree if spacing doesn't allow

3 Workaholic, Passive, Weapon Damage Scaling
Rella learns on the job!
(Shadow fiend souls passive)
Rella gains stacking weapon damage from killing units. max 20 stacks. each stack gives 2 bullets, some reasonable amount of movespeed.
Not sure how to scale this with Spirit damage tbh.
Upgrades: Improved bullet lifesteal with souls stacking / Improved spirit resist and bullet resist / Rella

4 Secret Overtime, 90 second cooldown, Active, Spirit Power Scaling
(Similar to Slark Ult) (4 seconds duration)
Rella hides herself in plain sight to get the job done.
Rella becomes untargetable for a short period of time, while also triggering drastic HP regen (affected by spirit).
Upgrades: Rella instantly reloads her weapon on activation / Rella movespeed greatly increased / Increased duration 1.25s
Wait wheres the risk section of the risk-reward in her build?
Her souls-passive is lost if she dies, she has to build it up again. I'm imagining her with high damage falloff to encourage builds focusing on the alt fire for close proximity fighting, and relying on the ult to make yourself safe at close quarters. Although, thinking about it, it probably needs to let you not get hit by melees since close quarters is exactly where melee heavy characters are most lethal.
This is so cool. Thanks!
Her souls-passive is lost if she dies, she has to build it up again. I'm imagining her with high damage falloff to encourage builds focusing on the alt fire for close proximity fighting, and relying on the ult to make yourself safe at close quarters. Although, thinking about it, it probably needs to let you not get hit by melees since close quarters is exactly where melee heavy characters are most lethal.
@narcyssiphus thank you!