Regarding Korean Translation 한국어 번역에 대해


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안녕하세요, 데드락 재미있게 만들어 주셔서 감사합니다.
한국에서 이 게임을 즐기는 유저들을 대표해서 글 남깁니다.
오늘(8월 29일 패치)자로 공식 한글이 지원되었으나, 번역이 완성되지 않고 번역 품질이 다소 낮은 문제가 있습니다.

그래서 제가 번역하였고 기존까지 유저들이 사용하던 유저 제작 번역을 개발자님들과 공유하기로 했습니다.
향후 번역 작업에 자유롭게 참고 및 사용하여 주시기 바라겠습니다.

유저 제작 번역 방침 등에 대한 내용은 추후 설명하겠습니다.


Hello, Thank you for making this game so fun.
Many korean people also played this game. And I post this thread on behalf of Korean playerbase.

Today(29. Aug) Korean language has officially released, but it is imcomplete and translation quality is not much up to our expectation.

So we decided to share our fan translation, which is made by me, to the Dev.
Feel free to use, refer or modify our translation.

I will post translation guideline what we made for fan translation later.

Thank you again.


DIsmissed afaik
Are you the one from dcinside? Its quite rare to see people from dcinside in these forums

Back to the point, it seems like they dont care that much about minor languages
Cs go didnt make a hit in korea, so priority in korea language might low.
The only thing we (korean users) can do is just keep improving translation by our own, until valve notice or make official translation.

Besides, the title of this thread seems little numb. Try sth that takes directly into the point. (To draw more attention to devs)
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