Rebinding jump does not rebind cancel ability and jumping off zipline


New member
Title, I am sure there are some other interactions that probably don't work either, but the main ones seriously impacting my ability to play the game are I cannot jump off the zipline or cancel an ability like Infernus's flame dash without hitting space. I am left handed and with the way my hand is placed on my keyboard this is very difficult to do while doing other things. Please look into this, its a pretty huge problem for anyone who needs to rebind their keys.
I unbound the "Cancel Ability" key. I press the ability key a second time to cancel it and use left ctrl to hop off the rail. It doesn't feel *too* bad.
I unbound the "Cancel Ability" key. I press the ability key a second time to cancel it and use left ctrl to hop off the rail. It doesn't feel *too* bad.
Will have to give that a try for the abilities, have kind of gotten used to using ctrl to dismount the zipline now until it gets fixed again