Ranking System Does not Work - Proof


New member
I wanted to test the ranking system as the devs told us that they were focusing on making a different rank measuring system, and it was based on your performance instead of your win/lose. Therefore, I decided to test this myself.

I opened an alternate account and started grinding on it. Every game out of 96 games that you see in the picture below have not been played in a party, each game was played as a solo player, and I have dominated at 98% of my games. When I say dominate, I mean the least I would get is 20 kills, in fast paced games that lasted like 15-18 minutes - whereas, in games that lasted 25 to 30 minutes I would get 40 kills. At 90% of my games if not more, I had the highest Kills, Damage, Objective damage, Healing - basically the main metrics. I have ganked, push early, ended early, always communicated to team about the objectives and led myself to win 85 out of 96 games. Most of these 11 games were lost after the ranking system and in Phantom rank, where people pretend to know what they are doing, be toxic towards each other, and throw tantrums, therefore throwing games.

Now, the second picture is from the famous streamer mikaelS alternate account. The comparison I'm making is not as comparing my skill level to mikaelS at all. Without a doubt mikaelS is levels above me, but we need to judge this with an eye that the system isn't aware of, which is the human perspective and our knowledge of mikaelS being one of the first players to grind the game. When he opens an alternate account the system shouldn't be aware of this, therefore, it should treat each individual account equally, and based only on their performance and the in-game metrics that the devs themselves have set after a single game is over. Meaning, if an account that has roughly 23 games less, but more wins, more kills, more souls collected, more healing, more hero damage, and more objective damage, plus more commends is being ranked 2 ranks and approximately 10-11 subranks lower. How is this even possible if the performance metrics are being taken into account?

Now, my conclusion is this. The devs have made absolutely no new measuring system. Why? Because I think (supposedly) that mikaelS has used his alternate account and played his pre-ranked games (50 games which is a requirement to open up your rank) with his friends, and this has automatically placed him in high elo matches, whereas, my alternate account which has never partied with anyone, had to grind from lowest of the low, which was with total beginners and people that have no idea even what the game is about, and I had to go up each bracket slowly.

My ranking score was 38 wins and 8 loses. Keep in mind that in my 50 pre-ranked games I have lost only 3 games, and 8 during my ranking. Most of these loses were in oracle rank, and I think about 3 were in phantom rank maybe 4. Even in my loses I have performed above than the average phantom or low ascendant player. Most of the time getting 15-25 kills in my phantom ranked games. Sometimes totally dominating, at times when my team was really bad and unbearable, I just silently farmed until the opposite team decided to end the game.

In my experience, the ranking system is totally based on the parties you'll get involved in, for example if you were to play with someone that is eternus player continuously, before your pre-ranked games, your first ranked games should be between high phantom to low eternus. Whereas, in my case, I had to climb the ladder from the lowest rank "Initiate, or Seeker" not sure, which bracket I was first facing, since I played 96 of my games as a solo player.

Just wanted to share with the community since this took approximately 78.5 hours to conclude!


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In regards to MichaelS, it seems logical to me that since he is partied with Eternus players for dozens of games and he can handle Eternus players at that rank and dominate them, the system would calibrate him at that rank.

You're still raising very good concerns over player boosting. I am interested to know what would've happened if MichaelS performed bad in these matches within that party - would he still get the same rank? I am going to bet probably not but still an interesting question.
In regards to MichaelS, it seems logical to me that since he is partied with Eternus players for dozens of games and he can handle Eternus players at that rank and dominate them, the system would calibrate him at that rank.

You're still raising very good concerns over player boosting. I am interested to know what would've happened if MichaelS performed bad in these matches within that party - would he still get the same rank? I am going to bet probably not but still an interesting question.

I'm quite sure that he would end up if not high eternus, either low eternus or high ascendant. Of course, he wouldn't be performing poorly, but I would like to see what if also.