Ranked Badge Assignment


New member

I think there was an error with my badge assignment for ranked. I played 7 ranked games last week, and went 5-2, but was assigned Initiate. That can't be right.
The ranked MMR is based on your MMR from regular play. You didn't meet people from every echelon of the game when you started playing ranked, you met players at your skill level.
The ranked MMR is based on your MMR from regular play. You didn't meet people from every echelon of the game when you started playing ranked, you met players at your skill level.
owh, that explains it, i 1-6 on the rank calibration match, never play rank anymore after that and expect the worst rank, got oracle instead
The ranked MMR is based on your MMR from regular play. You didn't meet people from every echelon of the game when you started playing ranked, you met players at your skill level.
Even if I started at dead last, going 5-2 seems to indicate a pretty positive performance. Or was my unranked so low that the calibration matches didn't matter, and 5-2 was as good as 0-7? Because that seems like a calibration issue.
Even if I started at dead last, going 5-2 seems to indicate a pretty positive performance. Or was my unranked so low that the calibration matches didn't matter, and 5-2 was as good as 0-7? Because that seems like a calibration issue.
From my understanding, it's more based on your performance not if you win or not. So if you played the game well and still lost, it'd still count higher than if you played poorly and won.