Random ideas


New member
  • A hero that can replicate the items around the map (jars and boxes), maybe creeps but provide debuffs/damage to the enemy that attack or steal from them at random what the jar/crate could have rewarded and line of site for the player placing them
  • An all melee hero, fun leaps, lots of in your face chaos, don't even make it a humanlike character since no guns. Eats bullets maybe or melee hits reduce ammo? Spit balling here
  • Hero passives
  • With all the verticality I feel like a character that can stick to walls would be pretty cool instead of floating in the sky
  • A character with the ability to grab onto the sky rail and hang on any side, place traps on them
  • Not sure if the design behind the game was to avoid heroes with shields but I haven't noticed any yet