Random Double Jumps, easily replicated bug, video w/ keyboard overlay (often triggers incidentally w/ Kinetic Dash)


WASD inputs near the same time as jumping triggers an instant double jump, very easy to accidentally trigger when trying to airstrafe/use kinetic dash


Edit 3: as of a 6/23 hotfix it seems the wasd console binds do not trigger the movement exploit Altimore mentions in comments below, these console binds should make it nearly impossible to get the double jump bug

Edit 2: using movement binds via console or autoexec aliases instead of the menu has a chance to launch you extremely far, especially near slopes, often in random directions at ridiculous speeds. as of right now it's a pick-your poison between randomly doublejumping and randomly appearing behind the enemy's tower and dying. Very frustrating.

fix i was using, probably causes more issues than it's worth:

if you want to use this yourself, rebind the wasd keys in the menu to something like ; ' [ ], or it will not work.

w/o aliases/autoexec (AFTER REBINDING IN MENU)

bind w +forward
bind s +back
bind a +left
bind d +right

w/ aliases(Probably not necessary, also need to rebind in menu)
save to: autoexec.cfg in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Project8Staging\game\citadel\cfg

bind w +mfwd
bind s +mback
bind a +mleft
bind d +mright

alias +mfwd "+forward"
alias +mback "+back"
alias +mleft "+left"
alias +mright "+right"
alias -mfwd "-forward"
alias -mback "-back"
alias -mleft "-left"
alias -mright "-right"

mostly fixed w/ above(I've had it happen once in multiple days, instead of multiple times per game), will report here if it happens again while using them

Edited, removed alias for jumping, just keep that bound in the menus, breaks some stuff... haven't had too many issues with just the wasd console binds/aliases.
Last edited:

This is an issue with desubticked binds, which the built in UI binds currently are.

I wouldn't recommend using subtick engine binds if you don't want to accidentally cheat because there's a separate bug where subtick inputs while dashing cause brief massive speed gain.
alias +smartcast1 "+in_ability1;-in_ability1"
alias -smartcast1 "-attack;+attack;-attack"

this ability alias doesn't seem to trigger the separate bug you mentioned, is it limited to de-subticked movement commands?
Can we get a list for every keybind so we can fix it ourselves, it's happening so consistently its driving me nuts.

This is an issue with desubticked binds, which the built in UI binds currently are.

I wouldn't recommend using subtick engine binds if you don't want to accidentally cheat because there's a separate bug where subtick inputs while dashing cause brief massive speed gain.
bumping to say that I believe the dash/subtick movement input exploit appears to be hotfixed(?) and the wasd console binds should be an outright improvement over the gui menu binds for most people unless there's another issue I don't know about
Can we get a list for every keybind so we can fix it ourselves, it's happening so consistently its driving me nuts.
Someone posted where they're stored/read from here: https://project8.dev/threads/cannot-bind-mwheelup-to-reload.3343/#post-6956

>in Steam userdata folder at 1422450\remote\cfg\citadelkeys_personal.lst

Here's a paste of that file's contents from my copy as well. I haven't changed any of them yet. I'm considering trying to edit the file directly (after making a backup copy) instead of using console commands even, but not sure how well that will work, if at all.

    "Name"        "DEFAULT"
    "Version"        "1"
    "AlgorithmicUpdateVersion"        "3"
            "Key"        "Q"
            "Key"        "1"
            "Key"        "2"
            "Key"        "3"
            "Key"        "4"
            "Key"        "Z"
            "Key"        "X"
            "Key"        "C"
            "Key"        "V"
            "Key"        "SPACE"
            "Key"        "B"
            "Key"        "SHIFT"
            "Key"        "CTRL"
            "Key"        "T"
            "Key"        "TAB"
            "Key"        "R"
            "Key"        "ALT"
            "Key"        "MOUSE3"
            "Key"        "R"
            "Key"        "R"
            "Key"        "W"
            "Key"        "S"
            "Key"        "A"
            "Key"        "D"
            "Key"        "MOUSE1"
            "Key"        "MOUSE2"
            "Key"        "ENTER"
            "Modifier"        "SHIFT"
            "Key"        "ENTER"
            "Key"        "MOUSE3"
            "Key"        "Y"
            "Key"        "F"
            "Key"        "F1"
            "Key"        "F2"
            "Key"        "F3"
            "Key"        "F4"
            "Key"        "F5"
            "Key"        "C"
            "Key"        "J"
            "Key"        "SPACE"
            "Key"        "SPACE"
            "Modifier"        "ALT"
            "Key"        "MWHEELDOWN"
            "Key"        "MWHEELUP"
            "Key"        "SHIFT"
            "Key"        "CTRL"
            "Key"        "C"
            "Key"        "SPACE"
            "Key"        "SPACE"
            "Modifier"        "ALT"
            "Key"        "MWHEELDOWN"
            "Key"        "MWHEELUP"
            "Key"        "SHIFT"
            "Key"        "CTRL"
            "Key"        "="
            "Key"        "-"
            "Key"        "P"
            "Key"        "F7"
            "Key"        "P"
            "Key"        "G"