Raider's Hook and Skyline Skirmisher -- Utility Weapon Items


New member
Raider’s Hook - $1250

+150 Bullet Shield Health

+10% Fire Rate

+25% Zipline Speed Boost Cooldown Reduction

Builds into:

Skyline Skirmisher - $6300

+300 Bullet Shield Health

+20% Weapon Damage

+10% Fire Rate

+50% Zipline Speed Boost Cooldown Reduction

Passive – 30s CD

Gain bonus stats after coming off the Zipline.

+3m/s Movement Speed | +20% Fire Rate | +30% Ammo

10s Buff Duration

Trying to bring some more utility options in the weapon category, right now it feels like I'm buying a lot of fleetfoot and warpstone and then looking elsewhere for my expensive pickups. No idea how balanced the zipline boost idea would be in practice so a lot of the numbers are just spitballed around that.
Good ideas, I dont think it would be so game breaking to use the zipline more often, it would be very situational to drop off the zipline and right to action, so its balanced to get those buff knowing you would not be able to use them every single teamfight, player have to know when to use it, maybe a way to active the passive buff would be to press a button while in the zipline, so when you go back to base you dont waste the cooldown.
Good ideas, I dont think it would be so game breaking to use the zipline more often, it would be very situational to drop off the zipline and right to action, so its balanced to get those buff knowing you would not be able to use them every single teamfight, player have to know when to use it, maybe a way to active the passive buff would be to press a button while in the zipline, so when you go back to base you dont waste the cooldown.
Good point about it triggering when returning to base, would definitely have to have something preventing it being wasted there. Thanks for the feedback