New member
I think the quick buy menu needs a few things to improve it as well as the current features either fixed and/or made default.
- Selecting hotkey when queuing up items in quick buy should be enabled by default, it's horrible the other way around.
- Quick buy menu should be more like the ZXCV section so you can drag and drop items in different orders (Like dota's quick buy menu). It's tedious the way it is right now, If you want to make changes you have to cancel the quick buy then refund the item,
- Increase range for base (anything on the side of spawn reaches (can change whilst dead).
- Maybe consider having a online purchase option where you can purchase items and have them sitting in a base inventory until collected.
- When coming back to base the shop or chat gets locked
- Quick buy sell items not selling
- Increase range for lane shops (sometimes right next to it but unless in front of it it doesn't work.