Psychic/Telekinetic Mime


Last night I had an idea for a character. I searched the forums and it would seem not only have some players requested a kit that has Psychic abilities but also the theme of a mime has been brought up.

Lets put the two together and make a really amazing, strongly theme mime psychic/telekinetic that can use mime-superpowers for combat!
I invite the community to post Psychic Mime ability ideas below!

Now I dont want to get super detailed about the kit. But Id like to point out the opportunity here.
Some classic mime tropes that the community and devs could get creative with:

- Pulling and invisible rope
- Trapped inside of a invisible box
- Mime plays dead and holds a flower with X's over their eyes. (rebirth ability)

The rope of a mime paired with some strong "transparent" "warping" space effects would be really cool. My idea for the mimes ultimate is a "play dead" which would effectively be a passive rebirth on cool-down. Every Moba has a character you need to kill twice when their cool down is up. It would be a classic mechanic themed in a fun way.
"play dead" or "pushing up daisy's" could be a damage ignore, fast regen, no movment/action sort of ability. Much like Master-Yi . This would leave the ultimate slot available.