Title says it all I guess. I wanted to play but it was 5:30 am, so I did a private bot match by myself instead of a public game so that I wouldn't get kicked out once it hit 6 (is that something that happens? I'm not sure, but I just wanted to be safe). I got into the match and it was fine at first, though it looks like all the bots loaded in before me? They were all in their lanes already when I spawned in at base. Anyways, I start playing and it's fine, but at exactly 2 minutes, the match just closes. There's no error message or anything, just immediately brought back to the title screen with no explanation, I don't even think there was a loading screen. I did this three times and the same exact thing happened each time. Is there anything I can do?
Edit: forgot to include that I can't rejoin.
Edit: forgot to include that I can't rejoin.