

New member
I wanted to expand on neil.r.rao's photographer idea:
A go-getter journalist that decides that he'll write, photograph, and typeset the story all by himself, and use the occult influences of NYC to get there.

Weapon: A Chicago Typewriter that spews letters like from My Friendly Neighborhood

Occult gear ideas:
- A camera that can capture spirits (the ones with the accordion lens)
- A glowing/taken 'eye of truth' traded with a patron/entity for leads on stories
- Ghosts/spirits willing to aid him to get their own stories told
- A full printing press that prints spells or his stories

Gameplay ideas:
- Reveal auras after landing stacks from gun

1) Interrogate - a shout conal AoE
2) Camera flash - short ranged stun/conal slow, also gives stacks?
3) Passive: Enemies leave 'paper trails' in map that give bonuses or stacks
4) Massive printing press/stamp, slams ground like MvC3 Phoenix Wright lvl1, maybe spends stacks on extra dmg or stun time?

I'm no good at 1930s design or mechanical gear, it's really just to feel out if a small or a big build would fit best.
This is a good start! He needs a more unique gun than a tommy gun though, but I don't have any ideas. I too had an idea about a 1920s reporter reporting on the battles in the streets with a spirit infused pen, but I like this idea more with the typewriter!

A spirit infused typewriter that types itself, maybe typing out spells like you said. I also really like the idea of a camera that drains spirit energy. I can picture it in game with a big flash, momentarily blinding the other team .