Pressing LEFT ALT to see adjustment details shows a bunch of incorrect or meaningless information and sometimes text overlaps with values.


New member
I didn't test it with all the items only a few I have noticed, but If I had to guess, this issue repeats with most of the items that have adjustment details tab.

1. I have only Boundless Spirit in my inventory for this test, in "adjusted by" tab of Curse it says that it's getting adjusted by Spirit power, even tho it doesn't affect this item in any way. If I had to guess number 60 shows how much Spirit power I am getting from "Boundless Spirit", and number 76 shows how much I have total which is 60 from "Boundless Spirit" and 16 also from "Boundless Spirit" since its t4 item. From what I understand It shows this information here, because the "Curse" item it self provides Spirit power?

2. Basically all the Cooldown reduction items like Rapic Rechanrge, superior Cooldown all stack up in adjustment details tab no matter if they work or not, calculation for the most part seems to be correct tho it only the text it shows it incorrect. For example if I have "Rapic Recharge" and "Superior Cooldown", only the 22% from "Superior Cooldown" should affect items, but under the items it shows all the combined values: 20% from Rapid, 32% from inbued ability, 22% from non inbued. The cooldown calculation seems to be correct, but the shown % cooldown value is wrong.

3. Best for last, the text chosen for the cooldown text under adjustment details tab is chosen based on what item you bought first.

Assuming you have "Superior Cooldown", "Rapid Recharge" and "Spiritual Overflow" in your inventory, the text you will see in any items adjustment details depends only on the cooldown item you bought first. For example if you bought Rapid first It will say "Cooldown reduction for charged abilities", if you buoght Superior first it will say "Imbued Ability Cooldown Redcution" and if you buoght Spiritual first it will say simply "Cooldown reduction".


Also no idea what that blue artifacts on numbers are, sometimes it shows up sometime it doesn't, seems to only appear on cooldown numbers in those exact spots.