Possible audio bug with lane shops


New member
There is an intentional sound cue when a lane shop closes after its guardian is destroyed. However, it seems to me that this sound should only play if you are within audio range of the shop when the guardian is destroyed. Currently, this sound cue will always play the first time you get near a lane shop any time after its guardian has been destroyed.

A common situation is that you will go to a new lane 10 minutes after the lane shop has closed, and as soon as you get within audio range of the lane shop, you hear the sound of the shop closing. Besides the fact that this may be unintentional in design, I think it is distracting; I find myself being confused for a second when I hear this noise, which is particularly unhelpful if I happen to be focusing on a 1-on-1 fight in the area.

If this is by design, then so be it. However, I think seeing that the guardian is gone should be indication enough that the shop is also closed, and that the shop closing sound should only play if you are in the area at the time that it closes.