Possessed mannequin/doll (w concept art)


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First of all this was inspired by old dolls like Zoltar and everything sort of like this, so what if it would be possessed by a spirit and i just think this would fit really really nice in a set of a game, a squeaking wobbly puppet that talks from the radio on its chest (with a radio filter) and shoots from its mouth.
As usual not trying to come with numbers, but instead just with a general idea of its ability kit. So the first idea was making a hero that collects souls and spends them on abilities sort of like Shadow fiends in dota 2. So i gave it the ability to collect souls (not spendable in shop) and ability to kill friendly and neutral creeps to have an avantage over enemies with this extra farm/deny. And first ulty idea came natureal - a "shadow fiend" ultimate, just an AoE burst of damage that scales with the ammount of souls you have.
In case if this kind of gameplay doesnt work in deadlock, 3rd and 4th ability could be merged in one and be just sorf of gain and spend ability. And for this the new ulty is kind of experemental and im not sure how it would work in a game, but i think its interesting. Just swap with an enemy. but not sure what to do when one of you dies, if your puppet dies you will die after ability ends, so your team should be careful not to kill you, or instead the enemy soul could die, so team SHOULD focus you and kill as fast as possible, and after you done with shenanigans on other hero you just go back to your body. What do you think? Whats to change.
I like Shadow Demon a lot, so Soul Lock appeals to me. I think Shiv's old possession ult would be a better fit, especially getting a root stack off and going for the combo.
I feel like a shadow fiend like ult that has a spherical AOE instead of a flat circle could work.
Thanks. Yea, we def need some different styles of AoE. Also i had a crazy idea where you could control these souls in that burst explosion which fast orbits around the puppet, kind of like whisps orbs, but which are faster and you control them like grey talons owl, but idk how it would be played.

I think Shiv's old possession ult would be a better fit, especially getting a root stack off and going for the combo.
i sort of came from this idea, but didn't really like the idea of controlling others body without giving something to the enemy player back, seems like too OP. 🤷‍♂️ Maybe there's other ways to balance it, if balance even needed at all lol