please port the following dota abilities


New member
1. Chain Frost. Seriously please Icefrog give someone Chain Frost that ability is so cool.
2. Omnislash. Coming from someone who hates Juggernaut, give the Juggs players what they want.
3. Weaver Ulti (i forget the name.), I just really like that ability
4. Infest. Imagine taxi cabbing inside Ivy while she carries someone.
5. Warlock's Entire Kit (really just fatal bonds and whatever Death and Decay is called now. i could see why you wouldn't want to add Chaotic Offering.)
6. Some kind of Nightstalker/Lycan style transformation ult that forces you into melee and removes your gun. (Winston from OW for the clowns out there)
7. Techies. I'm serious.
8. Shallow Grave. God I hate that ability but it feels like it'd fit right in.
9. Whatever Witch Doctor ult is called.
10. Faceless Void ult so I can watch my teammates get me killed in Deadlock. is Kelvin ult what that was going for?
I agree 100% with adding Warlock's Fatal Bonds to the game, easily one of my favorite Dota abilities. A character with a big summon would be great, too.

I'd like to throw in a suggestion and suggest they add in Skeleton King's ultimate as a hero ability down the line. Or just add Skeleton King, he just needs a gun.
I agree 100% with adding Warlock's Fatal Bonds to the game, easily one of my favorite Dota abilities. A character with a big summon would be great, too.

I'd like to throw in a suggestion and suggest they add in Skeleton King's ultimate as a hero ability down the line. Or just add Skeleton King, he just needs a gun.
character in the game files has a mix of warlock bond + Grimstroke ult as their ultimate