Please make rank titles and colors more intuitively hierarchical.


Ranks as they are currently.
Issues to Address:
1. Certain rank titles seem arbitrary and lack intuitive hierarchy.
2. While colors for the last four ranks are good (bronze, silver, gold, magical) - colors for the first 7 ranks lack intuitive hierarchy.
3. Game engine could be leveraged to make higher rank materials more distinct. Color/materials for Oracle (4th highest) and Ritualist (7th highest) look too similar for immediate differentiation.

Suggested Solutions:
1. Title Solution :

With the help of I brainstormed some potential solutions for more hierarchical rank titles. Our final list was as follows -
  1. Initiate (Kept from original).
  2. Apprentice (Replaces "Seeker").
  3. Acolyte (Replaces "Alchemist").
  4. Adept (Replaces "Arcanist").
  5. Arcanist (Moved from position 4 to 5).
  6. Master (Replaces "Ritualist").
  7. Archon (Moved from position 7 to 8).
  8. Oracle (Moved from position 8 to 9).
  9. Ascendant (Replaces "Phantom").
  10. Ethereal (Replaces "Ascendant" position).
  11. Sovereign (Replaces "Eternus").
Seeker, Alchemist, Ritualist, Phantom and Eternus felt arbitrary and not indicative of progressive hierarchy. Further elucidation on these changes can be read in this link.

2. Color Solution :

Two forms of progression - color warmth and material quality. Earlier ranks might typically display colder colors and simpler materials. Later ranks might display warmer colors and more metallic/magical materials. Currently, the first 7 ranks seem somewhat random in terms of color choice. Here are the above ranks with some attempt to apply visual hierarchy (with whatever tools are available on this forum).

(Putting colored text into an ordered list bugged out so it looks odd)
  1. Initiate.
  2. Apprentice.
  3. Acolyte.
  4. Adept.
  5. Arcanist.
  6. Master.
  7. Archon.
  8. Oracle. (Bronze Shiny Material)
  9. Ascendant. (Silver Shiny Material)
  10. Ethereal. (Gold Shiny Material)
  11. Sovereign. (Magical Shiny Material)
3. Material Solution :

This is something that's harder for me to cook up on the spot, and will likely improve naturally with future iterations of Deadlock. Counter-Strike 2 currently does a good job of using shaders for differentiating various badges, and hopefully the same can eventually be done for Deadlock - as Oracle and Ritualist ranks can be difficult to distinguish at a glance. Materials could be a good solution to clearly differentiating between 'bronze' and 'dark orange.'



  • 1729633108699.png
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  • DeadlockRanks.png
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  • First7Ranks.png
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You're correct. I felt passionate about this topic and my attention seeking tendencies got the better of me. Either way, I do not see an option to delete this thread.
Odds are that a developer will actually give your suggestions a look if you put the thread in the Feedback section, instead of here.
Edit: I'm being genuine, I see that you put a lot of work into it. Just a friendly suggestion.