Please let us re-select our Ranked window


New member
I'm fine with changing from 2 small windows to 1 big one, but I typically played in the earlier window and wasn't able to play later.
With the current change, I'm only able to play for 1 hour. Please let us re-select our window to pick one that fits our schedule the best!

EDIT: Is there no longer 2 different options per region? Is it just one window per region???
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This is the same for me, the previous timeslots were working great for me. Now that it is 20:00 to 2:00 I can only play a single game because I need to hit the hay. Working in the morning for 7 am. Previous timeslot let me play from 17:00 to 20:00.
this should have been a no brainer for them. if you change the time slots then we should be able to change it on our end and not be locked into something we didnt choose. the whole time slots are stupid af anyways