Please add a Middle East server for the love of GOD!


New member
I know the game is in alpha and we are basically play testers, so as a lab rat i demand to have a spinning wheel that actually spins as fast as the other lab rats.

It feels absolutely horrible to lane vs someone with 30ish ping and I am here playing with 120-140 ping.

I am always forced to go for melee last hits, gets absolutely punished to hell just because I get destroyed with denies because my opponent has a better ping than me.

Even when I pre fire my gun non stop at the orb, still I get denied.

You guys want better data results of laying and what not?
please eliminate the ping barrier so you can get accurate results of hero match ups.

So please give us Middle East servers already. DOTA 2 has one, why can't we?
Please if you can give us a glimer of hope that you guys are working on enabling a middle east server anytime soon.

And God bless you.