Player Reporting


New member
Kind of sort of a bug, or a missed opportunity. Please allow the ability to report either in game, or from game history. Unfortunately the testing and games are getting more and more leavers due to being unbalanced or them having a poor start. This ruins the game for others and the new norm seems to be for all to just abandon match.

If this happens to my knowledge there is no way to report. Reporting needs to be done during the end game stats and only then (unless I am missing something).

Anyways - hope this gets some visibility because I am sick of the intentional Disconnects. I always wait the entire match to report, but seems like their should be an easier platform given the amount that "would report" but leave instead to get started on their next game.

Kind of sort of a bug, or a missed opportunity. Please allow the ability to report either in game, or from game history. Unfortunately the testing and games are getting more and more leavers due to being unbalanced or them having a poor start. This ruins the game for others and the new norm seems to be for all to just abandon match.

If this happens to my knowledge there is no way to report. Reporting needs to be done during the end game stats and only then (unless I am missing something).

Anyways - hope this gets some visibility because I am sick of the intentional Disconnects. I always wait the entire match to report, but seems like their should be an easier platform given the amount that "would report" but leave instead to get started on their next game.

Don't worry, friend!
Anyone who intentionally leaves the game will definitely be punished. They will be denied access to the game. It's sad, of course, that you have to deal with this.

we need low priority
i think yes
Another Small update sorry. It appears if all players leave the match, it won't show up into history and therefore cannot report. Unsure if the game cancels or the bots continue playing to end it. Too bad as had another leaver and wanted to grab their name and actually report/flag them as it was a blatant leave even typed it in chat. Pathetic individuals like that do not belong in this.
Bump. With the influx of players now coming to the game leavers are 80% of the problem. Not be able to report mid match via the Esc window really makes you suffer through a 15-30 minute deathmatch that ends at your enemies leisure. You should be able to report your abandoned 'comerades', then leave yourself. Not be subject to purgatory just to get a report in.
Bump. I had a match where from the start the entire enemy team continuously abused the pause feature to grief us by holding up the match. I'd really like to be able to report this kind of behavior and also inappropriate language/toxicity as soon as it happens rather than waiting until the end of the match, when I might forget to do so. Please let us help you make a better community for this awesome game!