Placed in Low Priority Queue after finishing a match


New member
Had a game crash early (sub 2 min) and upon returning there was no prompt to rejoin, I could just queue for another match. So that's what I do. I play this next match to completion, and upon returning to the menu I have 6 games in LPQ. This is absurd. You're going to give me drastically worse games (and let's be honest, LPQ is just placing you into RU servers and nothing else so you don't even get to have a workable ping) Because your game is busted and didn't even let me rejoin? Come on now. You got all that steam money and you aren't spending it on state of the art anticheat or state of the art servers or queue development. Horror stories like this and all the fuckery happening in CS2 is why people aren't going to care how innovative Deadlock is when it drops. You need to nail these things or you need to be more lax with the laws because this is still an alpha test. You can't point at the alpha test sign AND the released product sign at the same time.