Ping Spikes every game that make it unplayable


New member
every 30-120 seconds there are character model glitches and ping spikes that make the game unplayable. After checking game file integrity, uninstalling and re installing, and doing just about everything I could do in my end, I can confidently say that this is a game error is connected to the game itself. nobody I play with has experienced this but other threads have expressed similar issues. hopefully this gets hot fixed seeing that there wont be any real updates until after Christmas.
Same here, since the last 2 updates, game nearly unplayable, net jitter always at +150/200ms. Only appears in Deadlock, every other games i play even under developpment games don't have this thing. Steam detect a stable connection with the server with around 8-15 ping, and deadlock just prefer do his thing,... very annoying, time to go on games who can just run nicely.
I'm glad I'm not the only one. I've checked on Reddit and a few others have said they've had bad lag but that was several days ago. It has been unplayable for me for the last two weeks. I get lag similar to TaqoCat's. My connection is fine because I don't lag in Apex, Supervive, or Marvel Rivals. It's so frustrating. I feel like I just have to give up on the game until something is done about it.
Still here, sometimes it's better, sometimes it's even worse than before the 1st post xD It's like valve didn't have experience in online games :D Meanwhile, 8-10 ping, 0 spikes on other games :)