Pib Pie concept


New member

A young Frenchman, born in 1931, who ended up losing his parents on his 9th birthday, because of the fall of France, with the invasion of German troops, his last good memory, before the worst day of his life began, it was the pie that his mother was preparing for his birthday before everything happened, with luck he managed to escape to Spain with some other villagers, doing everything to survive on the streets, he ended up bumping into a circus owner, who was impressed by his very low height, even at a young age you could notice that there was something different about him, and so he asked to be in the circus, that they were leaving for the United States, his smile in his eyes after days of tears, they didn't expect that his future would be reduced to dangerous numbers with explosives, death jumps, lion cages, if they were not in deadly numbers, he was being ridiculed in humiliating numbers, with pies in his face, being crushed to fit in a gift box or being used as a joke due to his size and playing instruments twice his size, until the day he revolted and placed explosives in the pies that they threw at him, and hid a sub-machine gun inside his trumpet, so when the show started, Pib pie put his plan into practice, as soon as everyone had the pie in their hands to throw at him, he detonated the explosives, took out his trumpet , with everyone screaming desperately because of the injured artists, and Pib Pie turns to the audience and says, “let the symphony begin”, and aims his trumpet and starts shooting


skill 1"Surprise pie": pib pie throws a pie, in the selected area, after 1 second it will become invisible, and if the enemy passes over it, it will take damage and will be marked by "lambuzado", the filling of the pie leaves it the marked enemy and slowed for 2 seconds two skill charges.

upgrade 1: decreases skill cooldown
Upgrade 2: "lambuzado" lasts 1 second longer
Upgrade 3: gains another skill recharge, being able to use 3 pies


skill 2 "crispy bullets": shooting enemies and troops that were shot by hb1 and marked for "lambuzado", will cause extra spiritual damage, 20% of the damage caused

Upgrade 1: Killing troops marked with "lambuzado" will guarantee that all souls will go directly to Pib Pie
Upgrade 2: killing enemies (characters only) with "smeared" restores 10% of Pib pie's health
upgrade 3: spiritual damage is now 40% on enemies targeted by "surprise pie"

skill 3 "rocket pie" Pib pie advances with his rocket backpack if he hits the enemy, it will bounce and mark him with "smeared", if it is already marked, it will cause extra damage.

upgrade 1: Decreases skill cooldown time.
upgrade 2: increases the distance of the "rocket pie"
upgrade 3: Hitting enemies marked by "lambuzado" will heal pib pie for 40% of the damage caused by the "rocket pie" skill


skill 4 "giga mega crushing pie" Pib pie takes a huge pie out of his pocket and throws it at his enemies, lifting it up and scoring it with smear for 3 seconds, enemies with 10% health will die

upgrade 1: 15 meters more range.
upgrade 2: 100 more skill damage
upgrade 3: shoot down enemies with "Giga Mega Pie Crushing" cause small explosions of 2 m
dealing 200% skill damage.

Pib pie's weapon is hidenn in trumpet Tuba

9 x 19 mm

Anyone who can give their opinion on this would be very happy
Você ja leu a ultimate do garra cinza ?
No I dunno who that is. I'm not super familiar with MOBAs in general; I'm sure something like that has existed in the past and is fine. A guaranteed kill button just sounds wild is all; if someone has 3 rows of hp bar that seems huge.
No I dunno who that is. I'm not super familiar with MOBAs in general; I'm sure something like that has existed in the past and is fine. A guaranteed kill button just sounds wild is all; if someone has 3 rows of hp bar that seems huge.
Yes, it will be more useful against characters with more health, but I think it's still fair