[Performance] Significantly worse FPS with Dynamo

Playing as certain characters results in a significantly lower framerate. Most of the characters it's just plus or minus a few FPS which is expected, but some it's a ~10% difference. Dynamo in particularly results in a large difference in FPS.

Repro steps:
1. Enable steam overlay FPS counter and launch game.
2. Load into sandbox as a character
3. Without moving, turn around to face wall directly behind (I made sure to position the camera so the lights on the wall were just in frame for consistency).
4. Wait ~10 seconds, then note FPS.
5. Swap character to Dynamo.
6. Wait ~10 seconds, then note change in FPS.

Most characters resulted in between 58-61fps. Some characters (Ivy, Lash, McGinnis, Warden) were a bit worse at 55-56fps. Dynamo was the worst at 52fps.

List of characters and seen FPS:
Abrams 59
Bebop 61
Dynamo 52
Grey Talon 61
Haze 60
Infernus 60
Ivy 55
Kelvin 59
Lady Geist 59
Lash 56
McGinnis 56
Mo Krill 62
Paradox 57
Pocket 61
Seven 58
Shiv 59
Vindicta 58
Viscous 59
Warden 56
Wraith 61
Yamato 62

I am on a laptop with an i5 12500H using integrated Iris Xe graphics, on charge and set to Performance power profile.
Graphics settings: Everything lowest, 1440x900, 90Hz refresh rate, full resolution scale.
Cycled through all the characters 3 times to ensure laptop wasn't throttling - the results were the same within 1FPS each time.