Pawn - Tiny From Dota 2, But a Chess Piece

Pawn - A hero that becomes different chess pieces over the course of the match

The Dota hero "Tiny" has a gimmick where he grows as you upgrade his ultimate.
Pawn would be a chess piece that increases in rank over the match.
You start as a Pawn, you end as a King / Queen.

Rank increases might come from
  • Reaching soul thresholds
  • Upgrading your ultimate
  • Killing unique enemy heroes
  • Taking towers
  • Something else?
Pawn's Abilities would revolve around chess, gaining additional attributes based on rank.
I haven't thought of much more, but i'd love to hear people's thoughts on this concept.
In the moba BR Eternal Return there's a chess character Adele who looks really cool and complex. I never got into the game, but it's a veyr interesting concept.