Passive soul generation item


New member
The main purpose of this item is for people who prefer the supporting aspect of the game. Buying this item will lower the importance of farming throughout the game, which encourages roaming and more cross-laning plays.

Item details:
  • Now passively generate soul (e.g. 500 spm -> ~ 10000 souls in 20 minutes, enough to buy a few defensive/support items)
  • Bounty from last hitting creep is penalized (This is mainly to prevent DPS player from abusing it)
That's the main gist of the item, depending on the balancing direction of the game, we can either:
  • Allow it from the start (In a duo lane, only 1 needs to focus on farming, another can focus on harassing/denying)
  • Time gated after x minutes (If we want laning to happen normally, everyone has to participate in last hitting + harassing)
  • Item color gated: Make it so that the item can only fit in the flex slot (This further pushed the timing of focusing only on supporting even later)
Thanks for coming to my TED talk. This item idea mainly stems from the fact that sometimes people want to chill and don't want to sweat too much with micromanaging last hit/deny.