Passive parry item


New member
Lightspeed Reflexes
Cost: 3000
-30% incoming melee damage
Passive (cooldown 10 seconds): automatically parry a melee attack coming your way

It could either be a good item for newer players who are struggling to parry, or against people who like to attack from behind by surprise.
The numbers can all be tweaked, of course.

Or this could be made into an active item, where it grants the passive effect with no cooldown but only for a certain duration:

For example, upon activation you'll spend the next 5-10 seconds being able to parry every melee attack coming your way, then the item goes on cooldown for the next 40
Its broken since after parry enemy receive a stun and incoming melee damage increase, also not breaking your actions queue with parry movement. At best it should shield from first melee attack and then go on cd.
I think the passive one seems far too brutal for melee characters. There's no way around it, if you melee them you get stunned for longer than most hero skill stuns. The stats are also too simple. The active idea might work, rather than parry "every melee" just have it be an active that parries one attack within the next 5 seconds, but doesn't stop you moving. It would basically turn off enemy heavy melee for 5 seconds as they see that blue thing around you, longer with duration. I think making an item that serves to ruin the weakest way to play seems like a bad idea though.
Reducing incomming melee damage could be a thing, but 30% resistance is far too much. Unless Deadlock will get many items and characters in the future that are pure melee focused, but thats currently not the case.

The active as others have mentioned should work for a single attack, for a short duration ~5 seconds max and then go on a cooldown. Displaying a clear version of the parry blue shield so the opponent can play around it.
Otherwise it becomes a full counter against any character that uses melee in close range, and you can just take your sweet time to gun someone down with impunity.