Passive Item: Tracker


New member
Idea for an item that enables people to chase down players and secure kills. Would work similarly to Bloodhound's passive in Apex Legends, where you get little UI elements onscreen to see what opponents have been doing in the area. Numbers are just ballparks to give an idea of what it could do - do not interpret them literally.

Category: Weapon
Cost: 3000 souls


Gain the ability to see clues about the actions of nearby enemies. When an opponent mantles objects, takes damage, or casts their ult, they leave behind a clue that tells you what they were doing and how long ago it was. Clues vanish after 60 seconds.

+10% Move Speed
+10% Weapon Damage

Example screenshot from Apex Legends to illustrate:

Actually, sounds like pretty nice item.
Seeing footprints of nearby hero would be pretty cool concept. Though I think the +10% weapon damage might be bit much, on top of already T3's bonus damage.

Though I'd just keep it as footprints of where hero went. With exception for invisibility, probably "see footprints from 5-10 seconds ago".