Passive abilities should be for everyone


New member
To be honest, I don't like passive abilities which require skillpoints. Yeah, they strong in general and gives huge advantage, but it's not fun. I think it would be cool to give every character passive ability which will improve at some level.
I don't see any reason to give passives to everyone. Some heroes have passives, because that is a part of their hero design.
all lol champs have a passive ability. This optiong gives you more opportinuties for builds and playstyles. BC every single character have a 4 active skills or more and 1 passive ability, all of them can be base of ur build. IDK I find it very intersting.
all lol champs have a passive ability. This optiong gives you more opportinuties for builds and playstyles. BC every single character have a 4 active skills or more and 1 passive ability, all of them can be base of ur build. IDK I find it very intersting.
Lol champs build mostly the same and play mostly the same from game to game, I will say that adding more passive does increase the complexity of the cast, and that CAN lead to more fun and diverse builds, as dota literally did that too last patch, but that really falls on the developers and whether or not they want to take the game in that direction
I agree 100% - Each hero should have a consistent passive ability tied to them, it makes the game more interesting and makes their basic attack, usually, more interesting. Instead it's just "pewpewpew" and the basic attack really does not offer a whole lot of evolving gameplay. Shoot, reload, shoot, reload, yawn.

A well thought out passive makes game play more rewarding and lets each hero have a more defined identity.
all lol champs have a passive ability. This optiong gives you more opportinuties for builds and playstyles. BC every single character have a 4 active skills or more and 1 passive ability, all of them can be base of ur build. IDK I find it very intersting.
There are also some league champs who have leveling passives instead of abilities similar to champs in this game. Teemo for example. Personally I feel ok with champs not having passives unless it replaces an ability.
There are also some league champs who have leveling passives instead of abilities similar to champs in this game. Teemo for example. Personally I feel ok with champs not having passives unless it replaces an ability.
Cool thanks for contributing so much to the conversation. It's a real meeting of the minds here.
Cool thanks for contributing so much to the conversation. It's a real meeting of the minds here.
Cool, thanks for being a smart person. Me literally talking about the topic, as well as other references being used while also adding something other people werent mentioning is totally me not contributing to the conversation.
so like innates in dota,at this moment i feel its does nothing
also some heros have some sort of passive, like spirit power adding damage to warden or things like that have you seen?
still they could do it maybe , game is still green
To be honest, I don't like passive abilities which require skillpoints. Yeah, they strong in general and gives huge advantage, but it's not fun. I think it would be cool to give every character passive ability which will improve at some level.
Why would it be cool?