Parry Master


New member
Item that improves parry:
Vitality? (price 3000?)

After a successful parry, stun timer increased by 0.5? seconds and the windup speed for the next charged melee attack within 3? seconds is sped up by 75%?
Could also grant a 10-20? spirit bonus for the duration. (for synergies with spirit focused builds)

Alternative (Defensive):
After a successful parry, stun timer increased by 0.5? seconds and grants the user 50%? melee damage taken reduction for 6? seconds.

Reason: An item to spice up parrying as a way to counter melee heavy lineups.
YES! An item to counter melee spammers. Maybe reduce the parry cooldown, or allow movement while parrying.
Absolutely. Why is it charged melee can be spammed, but if you successfully parry them, add the stun time, they still can get back to meleeing you before the cooldown on parry is up?
It would be funny if the item made your parry block the attack and return a charged melee attack of your own at the same time. Think of it as a reflect, but in this instance you can actually increase the damage of the return attack if you go melee build yourself.