Parry Active Item Suggestion


I expected the parry mechanic to be an easy counter to melee builds in higher MMR but I've personally noticed that it becomes too risky to do against an opponent who only light punches until a parry is baited out or whiffed. The 6 (effectively 5.2) second cooldown opens you up to a flurry of heavy punches, and I don't really think the combat is engaging when one person is spamming their punch button with the other person desperately spamming parry.

Melee is an important part of this game and continuing to nerf melee items shouldn't be necessary, instead, giving a better counter should be considered.

I propose an active Vitality tier 3 item:
  • Passive ability
    • Decreased parry cooldown to 4 seconds
    • 15% melee damage resistance
  • Active ability
    • Cooldown of 60 seconds
    • When active, the user has a 7-second window of reduced parry cooldown, in which every 3 seconds the user can activate parry again
    • Increased successful parry stun on enemies from 3 to 4 seconds
If you really need to purchase an item to counter a melee build because you can't manage to parry, keep proper spacing, or dash jump away - just buy Majestic leap and run away.

TBH this item seems like it should never be purchased and is not worth it.
If you really need to purchase an item to counter a melee build because you can't manage to parry, keep proper spacing, or dash jump away - just buy Majestic leap and run away.

TBH this item seems like it should never be purchased and is not worth it.
Parry is incredibly easy to land on heavy punches, that's not the issue. Light punches have minimal telegraphing and can easily be used to bait parries. You can obviously position around a player who is building melee but you can also get countered if that player goes for slowing hex (or any movement slow item) and has increased movement speed to easily stop you from running away and force you to hit a parry if you want to get out.