Parasite 500 cost vitality item


Active member

Costs 500
-5 Regen (cannot go below 0)
Builds up 1 stack for every 1 regen prevented. Max 150 stacks.
Attach to a target enemy within 20 meters. Projectile speed 20m/s.
Duration 10 seconds.
Cooldown 10 seconds.
Steal maximum hp equal to the number of stacks for the duration. If you kill someone under the effects of Parasite you steal 5 Maximum HP permanently.
Even though the regen is prevented you still get the same ammount of HP when it is activated(unless you don`t use immediately when it is on max stacks), and it can confuse the enemy , since you can instantly make a 300 hp difference.
Maybe make it a skillshot, bcs it will be NASTY in lane, escepecially on mirage, just imagine ur opponent in lane having 200-300 max HP XD.
Even though the regen is prevented you still get the same ammount of HP when it is activated(unless you don`t use immediately when it is on max stacks), and it can confuse the enemy , since you can instantly make a 300 hp difference.
Maybe make it a skillshot, bcs it will be NASTY in lane, escepecially on mirage, just imagine ur opponent in lane having 200-300 max HP XD.
Since the HP lost is permanent and the HP gain is for the duration I think this is a very risky item. Regen is best in lane.
Since the HP lost is permanent and the HP gain is for the duration I think this is a very risky item. Regen is best in lane.
Get this as you first item and the HP lost does`t matter, when an enemy tries to attack you(you are half hp for example and he asumes that he can finish you off), you instanly press it, and gain whatever you lost + deal dmg. Within 10 s duration you can easily kill the opponent before it expires and then just pop a healing rite bought from the money that you got for the kill. And you are golden. This is basically weaponising your healing, heroes that are opressive on laning stage become even stronger. It being targetable is too much. This will be a nightmare on solo lanes specifically. Also you can always buy resto shot, melee lifesteal, infuser(depending on what your character prefers), and not even feel the item taking regen from you.
Get this item with extra regen on Geist and it is like you suddenly gained a second targeted "Essence Bomb" that also has 100% lifesteal, albeit at a 37,5s cd(you can pop it later for less dmg). The problem is that it is instant 300 hp difference maker in early fights. When the item is fully charged, no one can fight you 1 on 1.
Oh god i imagined this on Calico, Leaping Slash + All Cluster Bombs + This item is 400 burst dmg with a 200 hp heal on level 1, get melee lifesteal and the heals goes up to 300-400, get extra regen and this combo now has a 10 s cooldown for max item charge HOW ARE YOU GOING TO FIGHT THIS.
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Oh god i imagined this on Calico, Leaping Slash + All Cluster Bombs + This item is 400 burst dmg with a 200 hp heal on level 1, get melee lifesteal and the heals goes up to 300-400, get extra regen and this combo now has a 10 s cooldown for max item charge HOW ARE YOU GOING TO FIGHT THIS.
My bad. The item will take 30 s to reach full charge.