Paradox's primary weapon suggestion

Chomsky Honk

New member
I know that there are a lot of placeholder assets, but I hope that as the game is fleshed out more, we see some weapons get revisited. For Paradox, I had an idea. If you have ever seen the movie Tenet, I feel sorry for you because that movie sucked, but it should give you an idea of what I'm getting at. Paradox should have a gun that has infinite ammo, and fires two bullets at once. One bullet leaves the gun, ejecting a bullet casing, and at the same time, a bullet should fly back from the exiting bullet's terminal point, hitting everything along the way, and entering the gun's barrel, as a spent casing from the other side of the gun materializes, enters the ejector, and forms a new primed and ready-to-fire bullet. The fired bullet is a projectile, and can hit souls, but the returning bullet cannot, but can pierce through enemies to return to the gun. The gun cannot be fired until both bullets reach their endpoint, and this would mean that bullet velocity and the distance of each shot would determine the gun's fire rate. This new paradoxical gun could also lead to some crazy trick shots, by intentionally shooting behind someone, only to nail them with the exiting and returning shot.
Sounds like a cool ability or weapon for a new character honnestly.
I would personaly not change Paradox weapon, its the best part of the kit imho.
I realy like the crazy 5 round burst, its very unusual and interesting to build around with.