Paradox Wall Massive FPS Drop


New member
Hi there, I'm noticing roughly past the 30 minute mark, using Paradox wall drops my fps down to 10-30 which makes it next to impossible to land my skill shots or react to things. At the start of a fresh game I'm getting roughly 120 fps. I've for sure had one teammate directly tell me Paradox wall was causing their fps to drop massively as well in-game.

My settings: Using DX11, native AA scaling with FSR2 (TAA) upscaling tech. Screen space AO, distance field, motion blur, tex quality off/low. All other checkboxes are off as well. NVIDIA 3080 card.

I've lost a few games this way essentially being unable to interact with the game while it's lagging. It's come to a head for me, so I've fiddled with settings (now trying Vulkan) with some lower scaling settings. So far I'm getting 50% increase fps baseline but we'll see how it is late game; will report back if I encounter more issues with this setup.