Paradox wall failing to block projectiles

Match Details:
  • ID: 319,009
  • Time: ~2 minutes 30 secondds
Hero Interaction:
  • Paradox (Player)
  • Vindicta
Skill Interactions:
  • Vindicta - Regular fire (LMB)
  • Paradox - Time Wall (Level 1)
When Paradox uses Time Wall, projectiles (Vindicta regular fire) appear to phase through the wall and still hit Paradox. Projectiles are 'stopped' as they should be, but appear to be too far through the wall and still able to make contact with Paradox. I'm unsure if the projectiles are still tied to the projectile hitbox at this point (e.g., the hitbox is racing the graphic). It also may be purely visual and due to the nature of Paradox's hitbox and the rapid fire of Vindicta's LMB -- but I'm leaning toward a legitimate issue with Wall.

I only noticed this appear after the patch which changed the duration of projectiles in Paradox's wall, but that may be placebo.

Please let me know if you have any questions!
The wall doesn't stop projectiles, just slows them so walking into the wall should damage you.
Right, but in the game/replay, the projectiles are beyond the wall by default. Paradox doesn't walk into the wall. 'Stopped' is probably the wrong word for me to use in the OP, but it's rather that the projectiles are (maybe?) misplaced and mistimed. The visual is, however, in-fact stopped, just beyond the wall.
I have the same problem. Often in matches, the wall stops the projectiles, but it does it a few meters further, which is why the projectiles manage to damage me