Paradox Multiple Wall Instances Only Damage Once


New member
Hi Deadlock team,

I found a bug where if, while playing Paradox, you put down multiple instances of "Time Wall" (say you have the "Superior Cooldown" item and "Superior Duration" item imbued into it) enemies that either walk through the individual instances or are forced through by Paradoxical Swap, only take one hit of damage rather than the expected multiple hits of damage. I don't know if this is intentional or a bug, but feels like a bug. See attached video for an example of the bug.


To make the bug more clear:

There is an internal cooldown between getting hit by Paradox's Time Wall. This internal cooldown is slightly shorter than the slow duration, and applies to all Time Walls Paradox has available. This causes the following bugs:

  1. If Paradox places down more than one Time Wall too close to each other, the enemy can walk through the additional Time Walls without taking damage.
  2. If Paradox places a Time Wall near enough that it hits immediately after the internal cooldown comes up, the slow is not refreshed (target will take second instance of damage, and only be slowed for 0.1-0.3 seconds).
  3. If Paradox uses Paradoxical Swap, this generally increases the movespeed of the target which means the minimum distance between Time Walls increases.
  4. If Paradox uses Paradoxical Swap on sufficiently spaced Time Walls, there is a strange 1-2 second delay before it deals the second instance of damage.
  5. It is not possible to deal damage with 3 or more Time Walls with a Paradoxical Swap (only two damage instances will be dealt, not sure which one is being ignored due to the delayed damage effect)
Personally, I think it should work. If McGinnis can slap down 9 turrets and have them all work, then Paradox should be allowed to slap down 4 Time Walls and have them all work.
An easy fix would be to have the wall check for an instance of the slow to see if it should apply the package of damage and slow if that is not already the case (was when i last tried but maybe the slow issues still exist mentioned by SaintYin). Without some changes there is very little reason for it to be a charged ability like this, because the many rules surrounding which projectiles it applies either because those it does not are bugged or not and the lack of any depth to the wall make it very awkward to use offensively.
To make the bug more clear:

There is an internal cooldown between getting hit by Paradox's Time Wall. This internal cooldown is slightly shorter than the slow duration, and applies to all Time Walls Paradox has available. This causes the following bugs:

  1. If Paradox places down more than one Time Wall too close to each other, the enemy can walk through the additional Time Walls without taking damage.
  2. If Paradox places a Time Wall near enough that it hits immediately after the internal cooldown comes up, the slow is not refreshed (target will take second instance of damage, and only be slowed for 0.1-0.3 seconds).
  3. If Paradox uses Paradoxical Swap, this generally increases the movespeed of the target which means the minimum distance between Time Walls increases.
  4. If Paradox uses Paradoxical Swap on sufficiently spaced Time Walls, there is a strange 1-2 second delay before it deals the second instance of damage.
  5. It is not possible to deal damage with 3 or more Time Walls with a Paradoxical Swap (only two damage instances will be dealt, not sure which one is being ignored due to the delayed damage effect)
Personally, I think it should work. If McGinnis can slap down 9 turrets and have them all work, then Paradox should be allowed to slap down 4 Time Walls and have them all work.
If someone is going to invest in the items to make it possible to slap down multiple walls, they should just get to use them to their fullest. So, yeah.
To make the bug more clear:

There is an internal cooldown between getting hit by Paradox's Time Wall. This internal cooldown is slightly shorter than the slow duration, and applies to all Time Walls Paradox has available. This causes the following bugs:

  1. If Paradox places down more than one Time Wall too close to each other, the enemy can walk through the additional Time Walls without taking damage.
  2. If Paradox places a Time Wall near enough that it hits immediately after the internal cooldown comes up, the slow is not refreshed (target will take second instance of damage, and only be slowed for 0.1-0.3 seconds).
  3. If Paradox uses Paradoxical Swap, this generally increases the movespeed of the target which means the minimum distance between Time Walls increases.
  4. If Paradox uses Paradoxical Swap on sufficiently spaced Time Walls, there is a strange 1-2 second delay before it deals the second instance of damage.
  5. It is not possible to deal damage with 3 or more Time Walls with a Paradoxical Swap (only two damage instances will be dealt, not sure which one is being ignored due to the delayed damage effect)
Personally, I think it should work. If McGinnis can slap down 9 turrets and have them all work, then Paradox should be allowed to slap down 4 Time Walls and have them all work.
Well, the problem with that statement is that Paradox is widely considered very strong, and McGinnis is not.

I do still agree for the sake of consistency. I don't like "hidden" mechanics that aren't explained. It also seems niche enough to not cause much harm (but you never know!).
Well, the problem with that statement is that Paradox is widely considered very strong, and McGinnis is not.

I do still agree for the sake of consistency. I don't like "hidden" mechanics that aren't explained. It also seems niche enough to not cause much harm (but you never know!).
I also think it requires a bit of setup so its something a player with good game sense and awareness should be able to avoid; It takes about 3 seconds to get down a second wall unless you have the Echo Shard item in which case you can immediately throw down a second wall and swap an enemy player through it (you can also use it to get down three walls but that seems to be the max you can get down in a short enough time frame to benefit from them)