Other player's inventory shows wrong items

Match ID 18001251

For some reason, a paradox on the enemy team is shown as having 2 Slowing Hexes, both during the game when checking items and in the post-game scoreboard. They did not actually have 2 slowing hexes, one of them was actually Increased Range.
This isn't just a visual glitch of the wrong icon showing, hovering over both Slowing Hexes shows the description for Slowing Hex, implying that the game does think that they have 2 of them.
View attachment Deadlock bug - 2 slowing hexes in inventory.mp4

Watching the replay of the game however shows no issues whatsoever, and instead shows the correct item (in this case, Increased Range in the first flex slot)
The difference in Vitality items between the two screenshots is due to when in the replay I took this image, and is not a bug.