Opening Shop during replay can cause crash at lane shops


I was watching replay 46178, watching the Wraith player, and at 26:58 I got a crash.

Could not find a close shop emitter

The cause of the crash is because I had the shop open while I was watching. This didn't happen at base shops but I can't be certain about that. The Wraith player didn't actually open the shop, but just being in proximity to the lane shop with the shop already open caused the crash.
I think I just had the same bug, I opened the shop while watching Mo & Krill in this Match 44496 and go the same error1717610455771.png
This is easily reproducible. Works on any match ID.

As an example download 50230, observe Adams, jump to 3:30, and once he's standing next to the lane shop hit the B key.

I can attach a memory dump if need be.
I also got this replay shop error. My game crashed when my character tried to buy with the shop already manually opened, in base