Opening match history crash

The game seems to crash when I try to view my last game’s history.
However, it opens up fine if I first open some other match history and then the bugged one?

The match ID is 970078

Have the same problem after this small patch that was released today. Can't open any match history though. Crashed right after a bot game I played and now it just keeps happening as soon as I load any match history.
Can confirm this crash happens after the most recent update, but this only happens once, after relaunching the game it returns to normal behavior
Can confirm this crash happens after the most recent update, but this only happens once, after relaunching the game it returns to normal behavior
Have re-launched the game several times, it crashes every single time I try to load a match history. :(
Have re-launched the game several times, it crashes every single time I try to load a match history. :(
Yup, same for me, relaunching the game doesn't really help. 😕
But for me it's not that big of a deal, since I can just first select older match file and then the new one...