OOB when open telegram while game is loading


New member

I am not sure how to properly bug report. But here are some screenshots (matchid is in the corner, i think) and some steps to reproduce:

1. queue for a game with friends & alt-tab out of deadlock
2. open telegram-desktop while searching
3. click a foto in telegram, so that it goes full screen
4. telegram-image goes big black (instead of showing the image in fullscreen)
5. close the image again
6. the dead-lock window is now wonky
7. try to tab back into deadlock (alttab, clicking on task-icon ,etc)
7a. deadlock stops rendering and instead shows the desktop in a dead-lock window.
7c. the deadlock-cursor is visible while deadlock has focus, but it still isnt rendering anything (i.e. i still see my desktop in the deadlock-window)
8. kill deadlock via task manager ("endtasks", but not "killall")
9. start again
10. join game again
10a the match has started in the meantime
11. I am now standing in the pre-game area
11b I can move around freely in the pre-game area
12. I closer to OOB
13. I take these screenshots
13a. my position on the minimap is funny
14. I jump OOB
15. I get inserted in the map behind enemy-lines (they already pushed a little ahead), and surprise the fucker from behind xD

I think there are 2 separate bugs here:
1. the game freezes when I do things in telegram
2. i get OOB when I rejoin the game at the wrong time
