odd bug when in steam overlay at home screen

Got kinda the same Bug:20240930173735_1.jpg

I could reproduce it by having running a second game, in my case "Bombabomb!" in window mode, and activated the Steam-Overlay.
After activating it I could hover over other heros in Deadlock and every sprite of a hero was activated, as it should, but never was deactivated.

I'm guessing that the API Callback "GameOverlayActivated_t" is read by Deadlock or that the function "ISteamUtils::IsOverlayEnabled" is called.
But if "ISteamUtils::IsOverlayEnabled" was called it should have returned false I guess.

I know for a fact, that Bombabomb! is not using anything related to the "GameOverlayActivated_t" callback (It's my game so know the code lol), only the default Shift+Tab combination from Steam.

Tbh, I don't know if Deadlock rly could get the Callbacks from an action made in Bombabomb!, but I thought: "Better post it, if it's wrong, no harm is done." ^^

Did you also had a second game running when this bug occured?