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New member

Hey everyone,

I’ve got a suggestion to fight cheating in our game. If a player is caught cheating, all the accounts they’ve invited should be banned too. Why? Cheaters often invite their own second accounts or friends to keep exploiting the game, and this would help shut that down. Almost every cheater i spoke with (in game) they don't care about getting banned because they invited a ton of their accounts alr.
If u know that your friend cheating or was cheating, you more than deserve to be banned too.

Why this is important:

  • Cheaters usually create multiple accounts through invites.
  • Banning the whole invite chain stops them from spreading.
  • It’ll make the game fairer for everyone.
Also, I understand that it's better for the devs to deal with more cheaters right now to find all the weak spots during the closed test and improve the anti-cheat system, but in almost every 3-5 games, I encounter a 100% cheater or even a group.
But there is option 2:
Instead of outright banning all players invited by cheaters, we could implement temporary suspensions for those accounts. This would give them time to appeal or explain their situation if they were invited unknowingly.

How it could work:

  • Players invited by a cheater would face a 7-14 day suspension.
  • During this time, they can appeal to prove they weren’t involved in cheating.
  • If the appeal is successful, they regain access. If not, the ban becomes permanent.
Why this could be effective:

  • Fairness: It gives potentially innocent players a chance to explain before being permanently banned.
  • Deterrent: Suspensions would still send a strong message to avoid associating with cheaters.
  • Easier implementation: Suspensions allow time for investigations without rushing into a permanent ban.

    What do you all think? Should we start banning the cheater's invited accounts too?​
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