not getting the highest priority character you choose and getting banned from play for an hour because leaving the match before it even starts


New member
even though no one was my character in the match I kept getting different characters but not my priority so when you still have the option to abandon the match before the game starts i left "I didn't even get a warning if this is how it's meant to be " but then I got banned from play for an hour this has happed to me yesterday Aswell but the bans keep going up higher and higher to the point I might not even be able to play after the next time i abandon the match before the game even starts. also, the not getting the your priority happened in the bot matches as well
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Sorry to say this but you are Lobby dodging and this is how it's meant to be, you are not meant to quit after the game has already started even if you are on the lobby and force people to go to the queue again. The game needs 3 characters to queue and you can put just 1 character was high priority (2 right click) to have a bigger chance to get them.
even though no one was my character in the match I kept getting different characters but not my priority so when you still have the option to abandon the match before the game starts i left "I didn't even get a warning if this is how it's meant to be " but then I got banned from play for an hour this has happed to me yesterday Aswell but the bans keep going up higher and higher to the point I might not even be able to play after the next time i abandon the match before the game even starts. also, the not getting the your priority happened in the bot matches as well
There is no "option to abandon the game before it starts" unless someone has failed to connect or left already and the little "This match is now safe to abandon without penalty" notice appears in the red box in the upper right.

You're queue dodging, and you will get banned for it if you don't stop.