New UX changes all feel worse than before

I know this neither belongs here nor that the developers want discussion (they want quantitative feedback), but I really just want to hear what others have to say and/or I am missing something here.

Previously one could press the "extra info" button, get a nice overview of the impact of leveling up and then actually level up by pressing the ability. This is extra relevant in Deadlock because each tier changes the abilities in a non-scaling fashion, unlike Dota. The new changes remove this functionality and force you to enter a longer keystroke to achieve the same effect. Furthermore, the ability will now get activated as regular in case you try to level something up you haven't got the skillpoints for - including ultimates (say you think you had just 1 level in your ultimate, but you actually already had 2. You alt click your ultimate to level it, but you don't have enough skillpoints. This will now ACTIVATE the ultimate).

Canceling also feels much worse than before - and I don't know why they would change this to the same button press again. Having cancel disjointed from the ability press allowed for canceling charged abilities. These are now uncancelable. An example include's Talon's Q - which previously could be canceled (for no reason, as it still consumes a charge regardless - but this is about functionality) and now no longer can. You can't "press Q again" when you are HOLDING Q.

Then there are heroes who seem bugged currently. Talon cannot level his Q without going into additional information, then unlocking the mouse and then pressing Q (tested this last game). Alt Q will always trigger his channeling and not level up the ability.

All of these changes feel significantly worse than they were before. Especially the cancel button is a big "but why?". Having a unified cancel button was perfectly reasonable and why this is now distributed over several is beyond me.
They changed upgrade keys from alt + ability to tab + ability, not sure why but that fixed the issue for me. They also reverted the cancel back to space
I liked the Alt with mouse active to view abilities while I play new characters. Maybe it would have been okay to change after a year once the majority of the player had the character abilities figured out.